


We invite you to join us and become a member.

Fill out the form below and click submit, and we'll contact you!

Membership is only $25.00 per year.

Members have access to all club resources and most importantly to our members, many who are encyclopedias of Lotus knowledge. You will be welcome to join LCCBC Online and in-person meetings as well as all other Club activities and events.

Membership Form:

Basic Information:

Please include complete information here. All fields are required, except the Spouse / Partner Name field.

Full Name:

Street Address:
Province / State:
Postal / Zip Code:
Spouse / Partner Name:

Contact Information:

Please include at least one phone number or an e-mail address where you can be reached, so we can contact you to confirm your membership.

Residence Telephone:
Cellular Telephone:
Business Telephone:
E-mail Address:
Website Address:

Vehicle Information:

Please include information on any vehicles you own for our records, so we can keep a roster of who owns what.

Vehicle #1:
VIN #:

Vehicle #2:
VIN #:

Additional Information:

Please tell us about any special interests or skills you may have, so we can get to know you a little better.


Security Code:
To help us prevent automated spam,
please type the code in the picture
into the box before clicking Send:

Type Code: 

We will contact you when your membership information submitted here is received. You will then be directed on how to submit your membership dues. You will also be encouraged to submit photos and information about your car(s) for inclusion in the Club email communications and Newslettter.

Copyright © 2008 Lotus Car Club of B.C. - All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission is forbidden.